Services Offered:     
Our agency provides the following HUD one-on-one housing counseling services:

Pre-Purchase Counseling: Clients receive comprehensive one-one-one counseling covering the entire homebuying process. Clients also receive important material on home inspection and any other homeownership topic relevant to successfully purchasing and maintaining a home.

Non-Delinquency Post-Purchase: Clients receive important information regarding successfully sustaining homeownership. Clients are assessed for individual needs and provided the information and tools for their situation. Reverse mortgage: The counselor will review with the client alternatives to a HECM, HECM options and costs for a HECM. Clients are provided with a list of senior resources. Advisor will explain how a HECM product works and the impact upon home equity.

Resolving/Preventing Mortgage Delinquency and Default counseling: Clients receive important information regarding foreclosure prevention options specific to their situation. Both retention and liquidation options are reviewed.

Advisors assist all clients with creating a sustainable spending plan and a clear action plan to achieve their goals. Our agency also provides the following services and group education workshops:

Financial Literacy and Pre-Purchase/Homebuyer Education: Participants will receive information on topics that will prepare the prospective homebuyer to make informed home purchase decisions. Topics include homebuyer readiness, money management, understanding credit, getting a mortgage loan, shopping for a home, sustaining homeownership and maintaining a home.

Our agency is funded by or has contractual relationships with HomeFree-USA, Ohio Department of Development, Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati, local banks and credit unions, the City of Dayton, the City of Kettering, the City of Trotwood, Montgomery County, Ohio Housing Finance Agency, the Department of Housing Urban and Development, NFCC and others.

I understand that the housing counseling I receive from the HomeOwnership Center in no way obligates me to receive, purchase or use any particular loan products, services or housing programs of an industry partner.

As a condition of our services, and in alignment with meeting our counseling goals, and in compliance with HUD’s Housing Counseling Program requirements, we may provide information on alternative services, programs and products available to you, if applicable and known by our staff.

  • I understand that my participation in the housing counseling services does not guarantee any loan approval or approval for additional services or programs.
  • I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the HomeOwnership Center’s Privacy Policy.
  • I have read and received a copy of this disclosure or it was verbally conveyed to me via telephone.